Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Movie Review 12: Hable con Ella

I discovered that I have a director crush.

A director crush is a movie director that you respect and admire, but are not physically attracted to them because majority of the time they are WAAYYYYY too old for you, but you have a crush on their awesomeness and their ability to portray a story in magnificent lights that have never been attempted.

My director crush is Pedro Almodovar.

He's just got so much ingenuity I can't even describe how talented his neurons are.

His movie that I watched is called "Hable con Ella."
 In case you can't tell, this movie is done in Spanish. And yes, I understand Spanish so it was a completely enjoyable film.

I had never heard of majority of the cast before, but I looked up their credentials.
And they're all pretty bad ass.
So they get 4 Oscars for just being cool.
Total Oscars: 4

The setting was set in modern day Spain, so everything was pretty much normal looking. Although one critique I have is that Marco should not have been wearing jeans. Maybe he wasn't, maybe he was, and yeah he's a journalist, but come on. I've been to Spain and NO ONE HAS EVER HEARD OF JEANS OR CASUAL WEAR.
He just looked too laid back.
Although I WILL give props for the matador costume for Lydia because it was pretty damn cool.
Total Oscars: 3.5

Marco is a journalist that is doing a piece on a matador (bull fighter), named Lydia. Things were going well for them until she gets spooked at something in her house and they end up roadtripping together and becoming a couple. Well one day, Lydia goes into a match and gets into a pretty bad accident, making her go into a coma. She gets transferred to a special care hospital where Benigno works at. Benigno is a middle aged man who happens to be in love with one of the patients, Alicia. Marco and Benigno become best friends but things take a sudden turn when Benigno becomes imprisoned. Marco then has to piece together his friend's life and his love, Alicia.
It's ridiculously complicated, but completely genius.
Total Oscars: 5


Friday, October 4, 2013

New Project coming soon!

Ahhh, it has been SUCH a long time since I have written for you all. I am soooo sorry. School is a bit of a succubis, so I haven't exactly had the time nor feeling of vivacious desire to do anything other than sleep after I finish my homework.


I do have good news.

In one of my classes, I have been asked to do a presentation on Spanish and Latin American films and directors. SO I will be reviewing a few of those next!

I am soooo excited to finally do something I know a LOT about again and can't wait to share the new info with you all.

Keep yourselves on alert as more movie reviews will be coming your way! :)

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Movie Review #??: Despicable Me 2

Oh dear.

I haven't been on here for a while now, haven't I?

ooohhhh soooooooo sorry about that.

As soon as I set foot in the "States" again, it was as if I had 90 million planes to catch and I just got back from a family emergency mandated "vacation" only 5 days ago and already I am preparing for another family oriented trip in just a week or so.

Power girls don't stop!

But on the last trip I had with my fam, I went to the movies with some of my nieces! And being as they are quite young, we went to go see "Despicable Me 2."

Minions, rejoice.

Well, see, it's a bit of an animated film. So the acting is all computer generated and so are most of the things I would normally critique. But NONETHELESS, I was thoroughly entertained by Steve Carrell's Russian accented voice over technique. Being a Russian accent connoisseur myself, I appreciated the heavily foreign linguistics.  
Total Oscars: 3

As previously mentioned, this was an animated film. So there's not much to go on for this field. Although I do have to admit, I REALLY WANTED TO BE AT THE MEXICAN THEMED BIRTHDAY PARTY! Taco hats are genius! 
Total Oscars: 3

Gru (Steve Carrell), has been hired by an anti-villain organization to retrieve a very powerful serum that can destroy the world, which happens to be conveniently located in his local mall. The agency he is working for has located several suspects in the mall that own shops. Gru and his new partner, Agent Whild, have to search the shops and get to know the owners in order to find the special serum.

Sorry if I got the agent's name wrong. It's been 2 weeks since I've seen it. O.o

Hopefully, I'll get more on top of writing reviews for you. Sorry about the long delays! 

Monday, June 3, 2013

Movie Review: Wreck It Ralph

Hola hola!

Sorry I haven't been posting stuff lately! I'm currently in a really intensive language program overseas and I have not had time to watch movies because of all of the homework that I have been doing.

I am sooooo sorry!

But thankfully on the way over here, I was able to watch a movie on the plane, Wreck It Ralph.

It was quite honestly one of the cutest movies I have ever seen in a long time! :)

Well, I can't say much about the acting because it was an animated film. But I guess this means I can talk about the animation! It was really well done. Like REALLY well done. And the voice actors were pretty awesome! I loved Sarah Silverman (shockingly; normally I'm not a fan of her material). Her personality matched her character!
Total Oscars: 3.5

AGAIN, there wasn't really a set to critique because it was animated, but some of the scenes that had to be animated must have been INTENSE in the editing room! There was this one scene where these giant, vicious bugs were attacking these high tech warriors and it was action packed! I'm sure the animators had a fun time putting in all of the frames for everything. There was also this land completely made out of candy and my inner fat kid was screaming for me to go buy a Hershey's bar after watching it.
Total Oscars: 4

Ralph is this giant character in a video game called "Fix It, Felix." He's the antagonist of the video game and is always smashing the building that Felix, the handyman, has to fix. His video game is one of the most popular in the arcade, but one day Ralph gets tired of being the villain. He just wants to hang out with Felix and his neighbors because they get to do cool stuff. He hears about this medal that will deem him a hero and travels through various video games trying to get the medal, but ends up messing up the story lines of other games along the way. He also makes a friend in Vanellope, a "glitch" in a candy cart racing game and tries to make her biggest dream come true, but there are a lot of issues that come with trying to help a glitch and has to decide if his friendship is worth more than the medal.
Total Oscars: 4

Oscar Sum: 11.5

It really is a cute movie and I encourage you to watch it whenever you have some free time and just want something fresh and light humored to watch! :)

Monday, May 13, 2013

Movie review # 10: The Great Gatsby

Leonardo DiCaprio is like a giant tub of Ben and Jerry's Strawberry Cheesecake ice cream: so nice to look at, but you know deep down inside that you have to end your infatuation with it eventually because the mini heart attacks you get just from thinking about it are probably really bad for your cardiac system.

Oh what? You don't have that big of an obsession with something?

Well, poo. You need to find something to get excited about.

Go join a fan club.


Leo...whyyyyyyyy must you be so beautiful holding glasses of adult beverages? ugh. I just got a mini heart attack. *starts fanning herself*
Then there's the lovely Carey Mulligan. She plays a great portrayal of a potentially bipolar woman who's infatuated with attention.
And Tobey Maguire. He's just sooo cute :)
Total Oscars: 5 (they're all just so flippin fantastic)

Dear heavens. This movie made me REALLY want to time travel back to the roaring 20s. The set designer just made it look so FABULOUS. The parties were extravagant, the costumes were soooo detailed, all of the rooms perfectly designed. I mean DEAR GOD. Why can't I have a Gatsby that is willing to fill my entire living room with giant floral arrangements? Only drawback is that a lot of the stuff was CGed in and as a film editor, I find this rather distracting.
Total Oscars: 4.5 (so close to perfect score, eh?)

The tale of Jay Gatsby's love for Daisy Buchannan is a twisted plot of secrets, shadows, whispers, and alliances. If you haven't read The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, you should be ashamed of your poor soul.
Total Oscars: 5


Now if you'll excuse me, I need to take a muscle relaxer. My heart is going cray craayyyyyy at the constant mention of Leo D.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Review # 9: Lincoln



DDL, enjoying time in the White House.
By Pete Souza (White House (P111512PS-1655)) [Public domain],
via Wikimedia Commons
I'm just kidding! It was actually only like 2 weeks ago, but I just wanted to make a dramatic entrance. *giggles*

Anyways, so so so soooooooo sorry for being so slow on the posts. I've been busy with my 17 credits of school work, here in the States. I feel as if I am going to pass out from exhaustion all the time, but hey, 3 more weeks and then it's summer for me!

To the review!

I've always thought Daniel Day Lewis has an oddly shaped head. This time I didn't notice it though because of his rockin'  sideburns and charismatic interpretation of one of the most well known U.S. Presidents of all time. He's chillin with his man chops, Civil war style.
Sally Field was also pretty good. She looked a little too weathered to be playing the wife of Mr. Lincoln, but her acting was pretty good!
and then there's Joseph Gordon Levitt's cameo as Lincoln's son. Yummmmmmmmmm. He looks good in a top hat. That is all.
Total Oscars: 4

I had a strange craving for cupcakes when I first saw Lincoln and I had no idea why....
Then I realized that Sally Field was drowning in her costume and when she sat down she looked like a wedding cake topper, so my confusion was clarified. She's a petite little thing and should not have been wearing that large of a hoop skirt.
As mentioned before, DDL had the coolest side scratchers in his makeup, so makeup does get props for that.

The sets were pretty cool too! There were a few scenes where Lincoln was riding around in a horse pulled carriage which added a realistic touch to the whole thing
Total Oscars: 3.75 (would have been a 4, but Sally needs to quit walkin in that hula hoop!)

A movie about Abraham Lincoln's presidency. Not only does it talk about some of his most famous points, but also an inside look as to the man that he really was.
It was fairly chronological so no need to get confused with a bunch of flashbacks.
Total Oscars: 5

OSCAR SUM: 12.75

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go back and watch Joseph Gordon Levitt being a patriotic soldier in a well fitting costume.


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Movie Review #8: The Switch

By Eva Rinaldi (Jason Bateman)
 [CC-BY-SA-2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0)],
via Wikimedia Commons

Who WOULDN'T want Jennifer Aniston as their longtime best friend? 


It's a pretty good question, right? 

Apparently, Jason Bateman was a little blind at the fact that he had JENNIFER ANISTON AS HIS BEST FRIEND and refused to acknowledge the sheer awesomeness of the situation. But it's okay because it's only a movie and he wouldn't do something like that in real life...We can only hope that he hasn't....

Jennifer Aniston = automatic Oscar boost. She's just so glamourous. 
Jason Bateman = awkward guy you have a crush on even though you have no idea why. Automatic Oscar boost.
Plus Thomas Robinson (the little tyke) was just so nerdy I almost adopted him from Jen A. 
It was just so freaking FUNNY. I couldn't stop laughing at how...ungraceful the whole thing was. The whole story line was rather tangled, yet was entertaining at the same time. That's how good the duo was!
Total Oscars: 3.5 

By Vennyschull (Own work)
 [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)],
via Wikimedia Commons
WELL, it was shot live in NYC (pretty cool...and common). It was pretty modern day, but I have to admit that the decorating for the fertility party was rather hilarious. It's purely indescribable (mostly because I just CAN'T describe the doodads without making it seem entirely disgusting). 
Total Oscars: 3.5

Kassie (Jennifer Aniston) wants to have a baby before her lady parts run out so she decides to do insemination. She throws a party and lets her donor, Roland, do his business, but her jealous best friend, Wally (Jason Bateman), sabotages the whole thing. Kassie gets preggers then moves away to raise her kid, Sebastian. She and her kid come back a few years later to NYC. Wally screws everything up, Roland is entirely charming and obnoxious, and Sebastian ends up admiring Wally. 
Total Oscars: 3.5

OSCAR SUM: 10. 5

I honestly couldn't stop laughing throughout the whole thing. It's one of those films you watch once and never do it again but tell all your friends about anyways. 

Sunday, March 10, 2013

I'm back!

Midterms were awful.

I got a stomach bug at the beginning of the week, then I progressed to have insomnia, then I worked, then I ended up with more insomnia and traveling all day on Friday, but the rewarding time with my family is worth it.

Unfortunately, I haven't seen any movies the past week or two. I'm sorry. I feel ashamed, but I DID see a play!

Being the thespian that I am, I persuaded my kin to take me to Into the Woods, a play about where all of these fairy tales get mixed into one another.

I figured that the same things apply here for a review as do the movies (but plays are Tonys award system), so here goes.

I liked the actors. Granted they were adults in a semi-suggestive children's plot play, but it's okay! The kids that went had no idea of the suggestive nature of some of the dialogue (thank heavens!!). I thought the acting was alright to say the least, but I think it would have been better if there was more of a youthful cast.
Total Tonys: 3

I was in love with some of these costumes. Seriously! They were like the classic fairy tale pictures but with a little bit of a modern twist in some of them (like the wolf! He just had really mangled hair and clothing. Essentially, a creepy, hairy wolf man). But the set was FANTASTIC. It had 4 LEVELS. Not kidding! The producer got super creative with it and I AM IN SHOCK BY THE SET.
Total Tonys: 4

To be honest, I can't describe it. Not in a good way though. There's basically like 4 or 5 child fairy tales and the characters somehow managed to intertwine their stories together. Like Facebook says, "it's complicated."
Total Tonys: 2 (because it's too hard to explain)

Tony Sum: 9 

Not bad for a local theatre production, but there were some things that could have been improved. But I still liked it, all in all! :)

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Lo Siento

If I can be perfectly honest, I feel as if I am going to faint.

Not only is it mid-terms week, but this week registration opens for the fall semester AND I have to sign up for summer session classes AND do a bunch of paperwork for next year AND work.

So as you can see, I haven't had time to watch some films.

Well, technically I have, but somehow I don't think any of you would be interested in watching anything about the United States' position during WWI.

I've been a busy monkey, and this monkey is very tired, and just wants to watch British television again.

Thankfully, I will be visiting other parts of the country over spring break, so I will try and see a movie while I am busy being an educated traveler!

Until then, shoot me a comment about a movie in theatres that you've seen and I will see if I can watch it!


your movie mogul

Monday, February 25, 2013

Movie Critique #7: Tale of Despereaux

I am a Disney kid through and through. I grew up watching cartoon movies and animated films. I even got the nickname "Boo" after Monsters, Inc. came out.
I love watching animated movies though. It's like reliving my childhood even though I look like a 12 year old.

The movie for this review is called Tale of Despereaux and it's about a little mouse!

This was an animated film, so there wasn't much acting to it. There were a lot of voice overs! And Emma Watson was one of them. Although I do think that Matthew Broderick's voice was a little deep for such a little mouse. I would have liked to hear a young boy or teenage boy do the voice.
Total Oscars: 3

Again, I can't really judge this because it was ANIMATED. But I do admit that I liked the way Roscuro was dressed because he was a pirate. I thought that was cute!
I thought that the faces were REALLY oddly shaped and it freaked me out a little. The princess looked a little lanky and she had these huge eyes that peered into your soul.
Total Oscars: 2 (the faces freaked me out)

A little mouse, Despereaux, is a little curious mouse that wants to learn more about the Princess after he accidentily encounters her during one of his mouse lessons. But because he's not supposed to interact with humans, he ends up being banished and is sent to live with the rats where he met Roscuro. Roscuro accidently killed the Princess's mother by giving her a heart attack, so he tries to make it up to her by meeting her, but that goes awry and Roscuro ends up capturing her and bringing her to the rat colony. The rest of the story is about how Despereaux goes through incredible lengths to save her.
Total Oscars: 3 (it's the classic damsel in distress story *yawn*)


Now I don't hate the movie, but it seemed mediocre and even though I love animated stuff, this was a little stereotypical plot. I suppose this is me being irritated because I've grown out of kids movies, but I still want something that can entertain me for an hour or two.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Movie Critique # 6: North Country

College has some perks to it.

Besides the fact that I am getting a head start on my education, some of the classes are pretty interesting. One of the ones that I am signed up for is a women's studies class. I figured it would be a worthwhile elective to take because I am going to be in an industry all about people after all.

One of the MAJOR perks is that I get to watch movies for homework. Now that I can deal with.
This particular film is called North Country. 

Although I would recommend not watching it on Valentine's Day because it's a movie about severe sexual harassment.

Don't do what I did. It makes you feel alone.

Charlize Theron is a cray cray lady. Not because she was standing up for herself, but because she was melodramatic about everything. It was seriously frightening. I thought she was way too skinny and her teeth were too white to be working in a mine, but that's just me.
Total Oscars: 3 (the teeth and the perfect shag of her hair in every scene bugged me)

While there was a lot of soot and smear paint involved in the movie, I felt as if some things were too clean to be there. The counters were too clean in the kitchens and the clothes too perfectly clinging to the women's bodies. I did like how they built the dispensary belts and the towers of the mill. That was pretty cool! I give them props for that.
Total Oscars: 3

Josey Aimes (Charlize Theron) has to leave her abusive husband to save her and her children's lives. She ends up getting a job at the tactonite mill that her father has worked for most of his life. She's one of the handful of women selected to work at the mill, but she goes through unbearable ridicule and scrutiny from her male colleagues. She ends up filing a lawsuit against the mill because she was not being respected by anyone (not even her father), and her rights as a woman were not being protected. The movie is about her journey of taking the complaint to court.
Total Oscars: 3 (it was a lot to take in)

Oscar Sum: 9

The movie was wayyyyy too repulsive in my opinion. Did I like it? Yes, but it was really depressing to watch and I felt uncomfortable watching these women be tortured as they were. I suppose that was the whole point, but it still makes you paranoid after.

I wouldn't recommend watching this if you are around children or live with much older individuals. The language and sexual content is going to get people riled up. Be careful.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Movie Review # 5: Zero Dark Thirty

I cannot stand violence. Seriously! I don't like wars because a lot of innocent people are killed and the killing just amplifies the problem in the first place. I think action movies are stupid and I am not a fan of Schwarzenegger or Stallone. They always play the same macho roles and it gets super boring.

Sorry Rambo.

But when I went to see Zero Dark Thirty,  I was actually looking forward to it. I like to see stuff based on actual events, especially when the story is about an event that has shaped my life.


I saw Jessica Chastain in The Help, where she was this little Southern belle just trying to make some friends. I felt so bad for her character in that movie. It was heartbreaking to see her be mistreated so badly.
But in her new film, she kicks burro (I would say the A word, but I don't want it to come back and haunt me. SO Spanish words it is!). She was seriously one of the toughest chicks I have ever seen!
All of the actors had the tension dead on. It was really intense the whole way through. I just can't get over how realistic it was. Almost as if you were watching a documentary!
Total Oscars: 5 

By Tony Shek (Jessica Chastain) [CC-BY-SA-2.0
via Wikimedia Commons
Hollywood did a pretty risky gamble trying to reenact a historical event. It's a bit hard to recreate embassies and bomb explosions (especially ones where the actual actors are actually close to the explosion). The sets were pretty cool.
But the makeup I disagree on. There was a scene in the beginning where a prisoner was being tortured, and boy it was realistic...minus his clean teeth. Everyone's teeth was sooooo clean. If you live in a dangerous and poverty stricken place, I'm expecting you to be a little grungy every time I see you. Jessica Chastain's hair was too perfect and she never ever looked tired (it's her perfect skin. I am telling you, nothing will ever taint her skin that's how magical it is). Did she look stressed? In some parts, but you never saw her body shrivel from it like a normal person would.
Total Oscar: 3 (everyone was too pretty and clean for a desert)

Maya (aka Jessica Chastain) is the woman in charge of trying to hunt down Osama Bin Laden. Everyone else eventually gives up on her mission or ends up dying somehow, but she sticks through it all and has to convince some big honchos to let her keep pursuing her mission, even though no one believes her.
Total Oscars: 5 (because it was all so believable)

Oscar Sum: 13 

The best part was that a Navy Seal from the mission actually saw the movie and said she was pretty tough! So I'm guessing that's a good sign. But he also said that it was too melodramatic and there wouldn't be as much noise as the movie suggested. I suppose you'll have to watch for yourself and find out!

Until then, I'm going to start boxing to make me feel BA.


Sunday, February 10, 2013

Movie Critique # 4: Argo

By Gene Bromberg (benaffleck7-2-1)
 via Wikimedia Commons
I never thought Ben Affleck could do it. I never took him super seriously as an actor because he just had average roles in average movies, and he never really did anything out of his safety zone.

Boy, was I wrong.

Argo was effing AMAZING.

Ben Affleck was the bomb.com. I cannot even explain how amazing he was. He gets an Oscar for growing out his hair.
All of the other people in it were pretty impressive too. Alan Arkin and John Goodman were highly entertaining (*cough Alan Arkin created the greatest one liner EVER cough* You'll know when you see it yourself!).
The actors playing the fugitives were mind blowing as well. I hope none of them were "method" actors because they will NOT be the same after this movie.
Total Oscars: 4

By CIA [Public domain or Public domain],
via Wikimedia Commons
I liked how retro everything was. The hair for the women was fabulous and I have never seen so many men successfully rock thick 'staches. Seriously awesome! They shot a bunch of stuff on location in some country somewhere (it would be pretty hard to build an entire embassy, so I'm guessing they found a building they could use somewhere). Just looking at some of the places they were in gave you chills down your spine because you thought you were gonna die too!
Total Oscars: 4

Basically, Tony Mendez (Ben Affleck) is a super legit CIA agent that manages to come up with a way to get these Americans out of a hostile Iran. The problem is that the U.S. govt. doesn't really want to go and get them because it would be a very sticky political situation, so Tony Mendez creates a fake film company, makes all of the U.S. fugitives pretend like they are scouting for a location for shooting the film, and has to make them pass Iranian security without tipping anyone off that they are Americans impersonating Canadian filmmakers.
Total Oscars: 5

Oscar Sum: 13

I am not even kidding about the "feel like you're gonna die while watching this." I was in suspense the entire length of the film and that is saying something!
If not, just go and see it for Alan Arkin. He's glorious.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

School Hates Me

There is no one I am seeing. I am not dating anyone, nor have any romantic/cutesy/nauseatingly flirtatious conversations with anyone at the moment.

But I feel as if I am married to my homework.

Seriously! I never have a free moment. It's almost as if the world is putting me through a mini test to see if I will break. But being the thespian I am, I have survived various amounts of tech weeks and it was NOTHING compared to this.

I will not break.

I will try to sleep instead!

So if you are curious as if I am going to write a new review, YES! I will when I have a free moment. Do not despair!



Thursday, January 31, 2013

Not a movie post. Sorry!

My darling readers (if you are out there, I have no idea. Leave a comment or something!!!), I cannot write this week. As much as I would like to, I think I caught the flu/cold/plagued corpse virus and I feel like *insert an animal feces here*.

What I would like to do is watch a lot of girl power movies to motivate me through this nauseating time, but alas, I have become too tired to eat even eat properly. And all I want right now is a rack of ribs, but it will be a few days before I can indulge in nutrition.

But have no fear! My kitchen is filled with tons of get well remedies and teas and such. I hope to be feeling better soon.

Reeling over in my sleep (get it? reels of film?),

your darling blogger

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Movie Review # 3: The Hobbit

Oh mah goodness. I almost forgot to write a post this week! I am so sorry dears! It's a bad habit, this forgetfulness, but I try as hard as I can to overcome it!

This week, I shall review a film I saw a while ago, but am still infatuated with.
 It's like a love you have for things that make you smile. Much like my obsession with Josh Hutcherson, chocolate truffles, and good seafood.

Anyways, I saw THE HOBBIT.

And without having a second breakfast! :)

Onwards to the review my friends!

Now I've seen the guy that plays young Bilbo around, Martin Freeman. He's quite awkward and British, and bizarre. But that is why I like his portrayal of Bilbo. Ian McKellen is magnificent and I think he is a champ for shooting the film while he was in treatment and feeling quite a bit under the weather. He boosts the score by a star just because he's a beast.
That and all of the guys that were cast as the dwarves were freaking HILARIOUS. I love them too!
Total Oscars: 4

Where do I even begin with the costume designer and makeup? For the love of holy cheese, who has the creativity to make individually crafted beards and man props for, what was it, 13 men? I could be wrong, I'm pretty sure I am...But anyways, the makeup and costumes on all of the characters were absolutely awesome! Seriously!
Total Oscars: 5 (because they were all unique)

Gandalf forces a young Bilbo Baggins to go on a journey with a gang of dwarves to retake their homeland. They have to travel several regions just to get to it and overcome their grudge against the Elven people as they defeat orcs, trolls, and several other creatures. It's magical, y'all.
Total Oscars:  4

Oscar Sum: 13

Honestly, seeing it was like a family reunion. All of my family is short, we have an obsession with carbs, and have seemingly large feet for such limber sprites. So  it was like seeing my ancestors. My ancestors are cooler than yours! HA

Monday, January 21, 2013

Movie Critique #2: Silver Linings Playbook

I do not like men with scruff. Even with my guy friends, if they have any sort of stubble on their face, I refuse to hug them. It is incredibly awkward to get a hug and then have it be a scratchy, uncomfortable experience just because the dude forgot to shave the past few days.

By Tony Shek  Uploaded by MyCanon (Jennifer Lawrence)
 [CC-BY-SA-2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0)],
 via Wikimedia Commons
But I DO LIKE Bradley Cooper with stubble. It's a good look for him. Along with shirtless, but that's beside the point.

Onward to the review!

At first I was iffy about Bradley Cooper. He's funny and handsome, yes, but I was not so sure he could handle such a serious role. Well, I was wrong. He's a glorious weirdie.
I was interested to see Jennifer Lawrence do this role. She has a record of playing heroines (Katniss and her role in Winter's Bone) but I was entertained by her psychotic adventures getting in the way of capturing Bradley Cooper's heart.
De Niro is the bomb: that is all.
Total Oscars: 4

There wasn't much to critique in this category. Because it was set in modern day, everything was realistic and plain Jane. But that was the whole point I suppose. I mean you can't have a castle in Philly, but at the same time you want something interesting.
The costumes were pretty ordinary. Sure, I think Jennifer Lawrence's outfit for the dance competition could have been a little bit better, but considering she was broke in the movie, my opinion doesn't matter in this case.
Total Oscars: 3 (There was nothing special about it).

Pat (Bradley Cooper) is a man with bi-polar disorder trying to get his life back together. He caught his wife cheating on him and was sent to a mental health facility as part of an agreement from the court (he almost beat the guy to death). So he ends up meeting Tiffany (Jennifer Lawrence) who says she will help him get in contact with his wife as long he competes in a dance competition. Problem is, Pat's dad (De Niro) thinks he's a good luck charm and wants him to go to all of these football shindigs. So Pat has to find a balance between pleasing his dad and helping Tiffany. TA DA.
Total Oscars: 4 (because it's unexpectedly hilarious)


Have something to say about Cooper's stubble, Jen Lawrence's hair, or De Niro's Eagle cardgians? Leave a comment! :)


Sunday, January 13, 2013

Movie Critique #1: Les Mis

By Photo: Andreas Praefcke (Self-photographed) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
I'll admit it: I cried when I watched it. There were tears streaming down my face, I let the emotions get the best of me, and Anne Hathaway was absolutely breathtaking.

I saw Les Miserables on opening day. Now most of the time, that is a HUGE mistake. Almost every seat was taken and there are often emotionally unstable female counterparts that get riled up or start bawling whenever there is a plot twist.

But this time, I am glad I went on opening day. There were no interruptions, the audience was silent the ENTIRE TIME (which is completely rare considering there are a lot of small children where I live), and all of the audience members were completely drawn to this film.

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a WINNER!!!!

But before I begin on the judging, let's create a system of awards, shall we?

The movies will be judged in OSCARS (fitting, no?). I will be judging three aspects of the films: acting, set/costumes & makeup, and story line. There will be a total of 5 Oscars in each category and the maximum score is 15 Oscars. Simple enough, right? Well then, LET'S BEGIN!

Having Hugh Jackman in the film automatically gives it an Oscar. He's talented, got the voice of an angel, and he's nice to look at. Anne Hathaway made me bawl, so that deserves some credit! The rest of the cast I was impressed with, except for Amanda Seyfreid. I love her, I do I do, but her part was WAY too high for her register. She sounded shrill in some areas, and that's not good when she's been cast in a main role.
Total Oscars: 3.5 (it would have been a 4, but I can't get over A.S.'s shrilling)

Sheer genius, the set designer is.
I was blown away by the details put into the set. There was shredded wood on the floors from explosions, blood staining the set floor, even the hospital looked like a good place to die in. I mean, really?! How is that even possible?!
Total Oscars: 4

It's quite simple, despite people's belief. I'll lay it out for you: Jean ValJean is an escaped prisoner who manages to become the mayor of a town. Fantine is trying to make money to pay people to take care of her little girl, Cosette. Fantine loses her job and ends up becoming a prostitute and she catches a nasty bug and dies. Her dying wish was for Cosette to be taken care of. So Jean ValJean does. Cosette grows up to be uber pretty and falls in love with Marius, a rebel of the French Revolution. But Cosette and Jean have to move around a lot because his old enemy, JaVer, is out for his hide. Then the rest of the story is about the Revolution and how Marius and Cosette find a way to get back together.

Voila, the story.
Total Oscars: 4 (would have been 5, but the film was wayyyyyyy too long)

Oscar Sum: 11.5 Oscars

Go out and see it if you can! It is a GREAT film, but for the love of holy cheese, buy a coke or something because you will need caffeine to keep you awake! It's almost three hours long!

Au revoir!


Thursday, January 10, 2013

Little Golden Man

I was almost going to quit blogging. School has started up again and my schedule leaves little time for me to blog, letalone eat. I don't eat dinner with my family anymore and I have no social life beyond my classmates. I just do NOT have time to do anything!

I was sooooo close to shutting this puppy down, but then I realized something.

I'm going to need to take a break from studying every once in a while. So why don't I do it by blogging about something I know about?

Why don't I blog about movies?

I saw a lot of films over winter break and my mother got me this set of "100 best family movies" a Christmas or two ago. The DVDs have just been sitting in the family reservoir of digital novelties untouched! Plus award shows are coming up and it would be cool to hopefully watch a few before everything goes underway. .

I'll try and get one done a week, starting this weekend (hopefully). Let's hope I can get this show rolling (get it?).  

Hasta Luego!

Photo credit: MacKay, Harvey. "Academy-Awards-Oscar-201011." Image. harveymackay.com 15 Nov. 2011. 10 Jan. 2013.< http://www.harveymackay.com/better-humble-than-stumble/academy-awards-oscar-201011/>