Friday, January 31, 2014

Movie Review #13: Wolf of Wall Street

I found this pic here but it was originally by crqsf and posted to
You know I never thought a movie would offend me, but there is just something about seeing a man sniff cocaine from a woman's lower extremities as an opening shot to a film that just rubs me the wrong way.

Don't get me wrong, it's a great attention getter, but I would like to be warmed up to the use of drugs in the movie. It threw me off quite a bit, and to be honest, I didn't like it.

But enough about the complaints, here's a review of Scorcese's Wolf of Wall Street.

The performances in this film were top notch. It's no surprise that Leo D got an Oscar nod from his character in WOWS. Seriously. Like I was afraid that he might have actually overdosed at some points in real life because it was just so realistic. That and Jonah Hill was hilarious as always and made majority of the comedic quips in the film. Props Mr. Hill, props.
Total Oscars: 4.5

By Margot_Robbie.jpg: Eva Rinaldi derivative work:
Jbarta (Margot_Robbie.jpg)
[CC-BY-SA-2.0 (],
via Wikimedia Commons
There were definitely some points where I laughed at the realism in the film. For instance, Leo D's character having a house in the Hamptons and living it up almost every weekend. I also really appreciated the fact the Margot Robbie's makeup wasn't ever overdone. She's quite a lovely looking person and I liked that the makeup artists didn't go overboard making her look like a porcelain doll even though she was treated like one in the movie.
Total Oscars: 4

Jordan Belfort (Leo D) is a man struggling in his first marriage, straight out of college, who just got his first big job working as a broker on Wall Street. He was pretty successful until the giant crash in the 80's, in which he really struggled to make the bills. He ends up building his own stock broker firm with Donnie Azoff (Jonah Hill) and becomes a multi-millionaire. Enter Naomi (Margot Robbi) and now you have a divorce and another marriage. But then Jordan gets investigated by the FBI and his whole life becomes out of control. He has to find a way to make things right or the life he once knew will be out of reach.
Total Oscars: 

Oscar Sum: 12.5

As good as this movie is, I cannot give it a full rating because of my amount of dislike towards the amount of f***s said in this film (it actually set a record, just FYI). That and the INSANE amount of drugs will stun you into submission. If I can't handle it, I can't give you warning enough. Seriously.