Saturday, April 20, 2013

Review # 9: Lincoln



DDL, enjoying time in the White House.
By Pete Souza (White House (P111512PS-1655)) [Public domain],
via Wikimedia Commons
I'm just kidding! It was actually only like 2 weeks ago, but I just wanted to make a dramatic entrance. *giggles*

Anyways, so so so soooooooo sorry for being so slow on the posts. I've been busy with my 17 credits of school work, here in the States. I feel as if I am going to pass out from exhaustion all the time, but hey, 3 more weeks and then it's summer for me!

To the review!

I've always thought Daniel Day Lewis has an oddly shaped head. This time I didn't notice it though because of his rockin'  sideburns and charismatic interpretation of one of the most well known U.S. Presidents of all time. He's chillin with his man chops, Civil war style.
Sally Field was also pretty good. She looked a little too weathered to be playing the wife of Mr. Lincoln, but her acting was pretty good!
and then there's Joseph Gordon Levitt's cameo as Lincoln's son. Yummmmmmmmmm. He looks good in a top hat. That is all.
Total Oscars: 4

I had a strange craving for cupcakes when I first saw Lincoln and I had no idea why....
Then I realized that Sally Field was drowning in her costume and when she sat down she looked like a wedding cake topper, so my confusion was clarified. She's a petite little thing and should not have been wearing that large of a hoop skirt.
As mentioned before, DDL had the coolest side scratchers in his makeup, so makeup does get props for that.

The sets were pretty cool too! There were a few scenes where Lincoln was riding around in a horse pulled carriage which added a realistic touch to the whole thing
Total Oscars: 3.75 (would have been a 4, but Sally needs to quit walkin in that hula hoop!)

A movie about Abraham Lincoln's presidency. Not only does it talk about some of his most famous points, but also an inside look as to the man that he really was.
It was fairly chronological so no need to get confused with a bunch of flashbacks.
Total Oscars: 5

OSCAR SUM: 12.75

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go back and watch Joseph Gordon Levitt being a patriotic soldier in a well fitting costume.
