Monday, June 3, 2013

Movie Review: Wreck It Ralph

Hola hola!

Sorry I haven't been posting stuff lately! I'm currently in a really intensive language program overseas and I have not had time to watch movies because of all of the homework that I have been doing.

I am sooooo sorry!

But thankfully on the way over here, I was able to watch a movie on the plane, Wreck It Ralph.

It was quite honestly one of the cutest movies I have ever seen in a long time! :)

Well, I can't say much about the acting because it was an animated film. But I guess this means I can talk about the animation! It was really well done. Like REALLY well done. And the voice actors were pretty awesome! I loved Sarah Silverman (shockingly; normally I'm not a fan of her material). Her personality matched her character!
Total Oscars: 3.5

AGAIN, there wasn't really a set to critique because it was animated, but some of the scenes that had to be animated must have been INTENSE in the editing room! There was this one scene where these giant, vicious bugs were attacking these high tech warriors and it was action packed! I'm sure the animators had a fun time putting in all of the frames for everything. There was also this land completely made out of candy and my inner fat kid was screaming for me to go buy a Hershey's bar after watching it.
Total Oscars: 4

Ralph is this giant character in a video game called "Fix It, Felix." He's the antagonist of the video game and is always smashing the building that Felix, the handyman, has to fix. His video game is one of the most popular in the arcade, but one day Ralph gets tired of being the villain. He just wants to hang out with Felix and his neighbors because they get to do cool stuff. He hears about this medal that will deem him a hero and travels through various video games trying to get the medal, but ends up messing up the story lines of other games along the way. He also makes a friend in Vanellope, a "glitch" in a candy cart racing game and tries to make her biggest dream come true, but there are a lot of issues that come with trying to help a glitch and has to decide if his friendship is worth more than the medal.
Total Oscars: 4

Oscar Sum: 11.5

It really is a cute movie and I encourage you to watch it whenever you have some free time and just want something fresh and light humored to watch! :)

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