Monday, January 21, 2013

Movie Critique #2: Silver Linings Playbook

I do not like men with scruff. Even with my guy friends, if they have any sort of stubble on their face, I refuse to hug them. It is incredibly awkward to get a hug and then have it be a scratchy, uncomfortable experience just because the dude forgot to shave the past few days.

By Tony Shek  Uploaded by MyCanon (Jennifer Lawrence)
 [CC-BY-SA-2.0 (],
 via Wikimedia Commons
But I DO LIKE Bradley Cooper with stubble. It's a good look for him. Along with shirtless, but that's beside the point.

Onward to the review!

At first I was iffy about Bradley Cooper. He's funny and handsome, yes, but I was not so sure he could handle such a serious role. Well, I was wrong. He's a glorious weirdie.
I was interested to see Jennifer Lawrence do this role. She has a record of playing heroines (Katniss and her role in Winter's Bone) but I was entertained by her psychotic adventures getting in the way of capturing Bradley Cooper's heart.
De Niro is the bomb: that is all.
Total Oscars: 4

There wasn't much to critique in this category. Because it was set in modern day, everything was realistic and plain Jane. But that was the whole point I suppose. I mean you can't have a castle in Philly, but at the same time you want something interesting.
The costumes were pretty ordinary. Sure, I think Jennifer Lawrence's outfit for the dance competition could have been a little bit better, but considering she was broke in the movie, my opinion doesn't matter in this case.
Total Oscars: 3 (There was nothing special about it).

Pat (Bradley Cooper) is a man with bi-polar disorder trying to get his life back together. He caught his wife cheating on him and was sent to a mental health facility as part of an agreement from the court (he almost beat the guy to death). So he ends up meeting Tiffany (Jennifer Lawrence) who says she will help him get in contact with his wife as long he competes in a dance competition. Problem is, Pat's dad (De Niro) thinks he's a good luck charm and wants him to go to all of these football shindigs. So Pat has to find a balance between pleasing his dad and helping Tiffany. TA DA.
Total Oscars: 4 (because it's unexpectedly hilarious)


Have something to say about Cooper's stubble, Jen Lawrence's hair, or De Niro's Eagle cardgians? Leave a comment! :)


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