Sunday, January 27, 2013

Movie Review # 3: The Hobbit

Oh mah goodness. I almost forgot to write a post this week! I am so sorry dears! It's a bad habit, this forgetfulness, but I try as hard as I can to overcome it!

This week, I shall review a film I saw a while ago, but am still infatuated with.
 It's like a love you have for things that make you smile. Much like my obsession with Josh Hutcherson, chocolate truffles, and good seafood.

Anyways, I saw THE HOBBIT.

And without having a second breakfast! :)

Onwards to the review my friends!

Now I've seen the guy that plays young Bilbo around, Martin Freeman. He's quite awkward and British, and bizarre. But that is why I like his portrayal of Bilbo. Ian McKellen is magnificent and I think he is a champ for shooting the film while he was in treatment and feeling quite a bit under the weather. He boosts the score by a star just because he's a beast.
That and all of the guys that were cast as the dwarves were freaking HILARIOUS. I love them too!
Total Oscars: 4

Where do I even begin with the costume designer and makeup? For the love of holy cheese, who has the creativity to make individually crafted beards and man props for, what was it, 13 men? I could be wrong, I'm pretty sure I am...But anyways, the makeup and costumes on all of the characters were absolutely awesome! Seriously!
Total Oscars: 5 (because they were all unique)

Gandalf forces a young Bilbo Baggins to go on a journey with a gang of dwarves to retake their homeland. They have to travel several regions just to get to it and overcome their grudge against the Elven people as they defeat orcs, trolls, and several other creatures. It's magical, y'all.
Total Oscars:  4

Oscar Sum: 13

Honestly, seeing it was like a family reunion. All of my family is short, we have an obsession with carbs, and have seemingly large feet for such limber sprites. So  it was like seeing my ancestors. My ancestors are cooler than yours! HA

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