Thursday, November 1, 2012

I dream a dream

There are many things that I want to do in my life. Most of them are not really serious, but I think it doesn't hurt to try to aim for the fun things! Here's a list of things I want to accomplish while I'm still young and sassy.

1. Travel to a large city and hang out with a celebrity

2. Go to France and have nothing but the finest bread and cheese (cliche I know!)
3. Master at least 20 accents
4. Graduate from college in 4 years (with NO BABIES IN THE MIX)
5. Travel to Europe and experience tons of yummy food!
6. Insult someone in 3 different languages they don't know...
7. Have at least ONE good roommate in my life. 
8. Date a hot nerd! (I call them geeky chic!)
9. Grow out my hair until I can do a Katniss braid!
10. Marry into a movie-making royal family
11. Become bi-lingual before I reach 25
12. Read as many BIG BIG books as I can
13. Cook at least one batch of rice!
14. Become friends with a celebrity (but I'll be the good kind that don't spill secrets for money)
15. Write a blog that people actually like to read :)
16. Have all my technology be Apple (someday, someday...)
17. Raise really nice, geeky children!
18. Publish a book of all the weird things that have happened to me and let it become on the NYT best seller list!
19. Get a super SWEET condo in NY in a fancy part of town
20. Have a vacation home in VA, in the countryside. 

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