Monday, November 26, 2012

Butter up!

There are very few things in life that are good covered in butter.
1. Cornbread- not just the stuff you get from the box, I mean ''OLD FASHIONED like your Nana makes it"recipe
2. French bread- it just makes you feel fancy
3. Fresh Green beans- again, FRESH. Not the nasty stuff that comes frozen from the grocer. EW.
4. Shrimp- if it's covered in a lemon butter sauce.
5. Popcorn- after all, I AM a movie enthusiast. What's a good show without some munchies? ;)

So being the little chef I am, I attempt #4. I thought this is simple enough. I can definitely do this! My mother will be so impressed. 

No, she will not be impressed.


Because it was the worst recipe ever. I have the WORST luck with making dinner, but am completely okay when I make desserts.
I figured that I needed to sharpen the skills so I can be a fashionable young adult, hosting dinner parties, living in the city, cute clothes galore, with a fancy boyfriend to accompany me to aforementioned parties.

NONE of that will happen any time soon.

This recipe was SOOOO greasy. I could feel my arteries clogging when I took the first bite. *gags* And I didn't have the big shrimp the recipe called for so I just used about 50 mini ones, like the salad sized ones that you can get in an economy sized bag from Costco.


Worst idea ever. I'm just going to watch my mother cook and hope I inhale some wisdom while I sniff the aromas. Until then, I'm going to stuff myself with desserts.

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